Każdego dnia ubieramy płaszcz zobojętnienia gnając przez świat, nie zważając i nie patrząc na otaczającą nas rzeczywistość. Odwracamy wzrok, kiedy jest nam niewygodnie. Zapominamy słów, kiedy powinny być głośno wypowiedziane. Zamykamy się we własnym świecie.
Every day we put on the mantle of indifference as we rush through the world, regardless
and without looking at the reality that surrounds us. We look away when we feel uncomfortable. We forget words when they should be spoken aloud. We close ourselves in our own world.
Pause for a moment and pay attention to those who quietly cry for Your help.
For several years, Matex Transport has been supporting foundations and actively taking part in many charity campaigns aimed at, among others, improving conditions in the Krakow shelter for homeless animals and helping children suffering from cancer. A certain insufficiency caused by limitations and the thought that we could do more inspired us to establish the Matex "Bezbronni" Foundation. We want to "infect" with helping. Our Foundation is completely NON PROFIT - this means that we donate 100% of all the collected funds, both in cash and in kind, to previously defined goals .
We want to "infect" with helping.

We work for defenseless beings whose fate has not spared.
We fight for those who cannot fight alone.
We are the voice of those who do not have it.
We help those who need help.
on others and think about how YOU can help them.
Remember that good comes back - and helping is so easy ...